Style, Flavor, Awards: DC’s Favorite New Wine has a Secret

Style, Flavor, Awards: DC’s Favorite New Wine Jøyus non-alcoholic wines has a Secret. Not just for #SoberOctober, but its award-winning tastes help you celebrate all year-long.

Jøyus non-alcoholic wines not only taste like wine, but great wine. With the industry awards to prove it. 

Recently I sat down with Jøyus leader Jessica Selander.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  You can find the full, un-edited conversation on our YouTube page.



Can you give us a personal story, maybe that includes the celebration of wine, if you have one?

Jessica Selander: The story is very personal and the funny thing is I get so nervous before talking about things because when I started Joyus, I did not originally [think about] doing things like this, being so face forward. 

I thought I would create a product that I was really excited about.  Eventually I came to realize, how do I do that without telling the “why did I do it?”

The whole reason that Joyus exists and it influences everything I do is because I’m sober.  I quit drinking alcohol 17 years ago now, which just feels like a fantastical amount of time.

For me, it’s been very rewarding. I’m very glad about it. But it was definitely something that was really hard and very personal. It wasn’t something I shared about publicly. So that’s also why this is a journey of getting comfortable talking about my sobriety, my recovery.

I like the taste of wine. I like beautiful glasses. I like the smell of wine.  I love the community and people; and hanging out and celebrating.  It literally says ’let’s celebrate’ on our bottles.  How great sparkling is for summer, but sparkling is such a happy thing.

You know what I mean? Something good happens in your life and people are like, let’s celebrate. Let’s pop some bottles. New Year’s Eve is such a beautiful idea of let’s start over. Whatever happened last year, whatever terrible things went down, there’s a brand new year.

It’s a new idea that we can celebrate either that past year that was good or celebrate the potential of a new year. That’s going to be better and that’s sparkling. 

And for me, I didn’t have any options. 

I started Joyus nine years ago. People ask me how long the company’s been around and we launched about two years ago. So it took me a very long time to figure it out, to save up the money to do it because as you can imagine, nine years ago, people thought it was crazy.

They’re like, ‘That’s a terrible idea. Nobody wants that’. And I’m like ’I want it’.

Having quit drinking, I had a lot of friends that also didn’t drink. I had a lot of people in my life too, who were just light drinkers – could give or take alcohol.  Then I have two kids and there’s a huge percent of the population that quits drinking for nine months [because they’re pregnant], sometimes even longer.

You can get into medications, you’re not supposed to drink on it. Anxiety medication, not supposed to drink on it. Heart medication, cancer treatments. There’s a lot of medical stuff too, that you could go down the list.

So I get a lot of people now who are like, ‘Oh, it’s not alcoholic. It’s trending.’ And that’s a thing now. 

Early on in my sobriety, I actually used to drink a lot of soda pop out of glass bottles, and then eventually discovered non alcoholic beer.

Non alcoholic beer is definitely having a really cool movement right now. There’s so many different options for non alcoholic beer, but the beer has always been around. 

I was like, this exists and it tastes like beer. What’s up with non-alcoholic wine?

There was one sparkling [non-alcoholic wine] in the entire country and that’s all you could find. There was one white and there was one red and that was it.

For me these options were really sweet. They were very affordable, which is nice, but they didn’t have the complete experience that I was going for. I wanted non alcoholic wine that tastes like wine. 

I wanted something that I could bring to a gathering and bring to a get together and have it feel appropriate and look appropriate and just look like everybody else’s [alcoholic] bottles.  Smell like everyone else’s bottles that you just wouldn’t even know that it was non alcoholic until you saw it on the label. And that’s what I did.

So after trying to find it for forever, eventually I was like, I’m going to do it myself. And I had no idea that this whole sober curious, non alcoholic world would take off like it has at exactly the right time.

So part of me is very frustrated that it took so long. But part of that too, it was like saving up the money to start the company.

This is a bootstrap company.  I like making my own decisions. A side effect after getting to this point is I’m 100% in control of all the decisions, which also means that I can control the quality because [it] is incredibly expensive to make.


Let’s talk about your sober story.  What it means to you, how you got there, what your mission is, how that helps others.


Jessica Selander: So for me, I can’t drink alcohol. What happens when I put alcohol in my body is that I make decisions I don’t want to be making.  

I tried a lot of things. I tried cutting back and it didn’t work. I tried replacing [the drinks and that didn’t work].

My life became pretty chaotic. 

I stopped drinking and once I get my life in order, then everything will be fine. I can drink again. 

Then after not drinking for a period of time, I was like, Oh, you know what?  There’s actually something to this and it’s something deeper and it’s probably the best thing I ever did, honestly, in my life. 

I would not be the person I am today on the inside if I had kept drinking.

I have a wonderful spouse and I’ve got amazing kids and I’m able to be a parent and be a person and do that clear eyed and there’s a lot of my upbringing was not the most positive. 

Sober curious, it’s a hashtag now. 

I’m not saying alcohol shouldn’t exist. I’m not that kind of person whatsoever. 

On a personal level it is so exciting to see other brands pop up. The first time I tried non-alcoholic tequila, it blew my mind. It was amazing. The spirits are interesting because some people build it up from science and some people are de-alkalizing; taking the alcohol out.

So that’s the really interesting thing about this. Normally spirits are completely separate from wine, which are very separate from beer, but in non-alcoholic, we’re all in the same swimming pool and everybody’s doing it differently and everybody’s got their own take and you can try one non-alcoholic whiskey and it’s incredibly different from another one.

Community not competition is one of our core values.  Normalizing non drinking is a big one. It’s not necessarily replacing alcohol either. I’ve talked to people in the wine industry who are very offended by the idea of non alcoholic wine.  I’m like no, it’s backwards. You’ve got it backwards. Non-alcoholic wine is a love letter to wine. You love wine so much that you still want to have it. You just can’t have this one piece that’s in it [the alcohol], but I want everything else. 

I want to cheers that glass with other people. I want to drink that red with a really strong stinky cheese. I want to pop that celebratory cork. I want to Rose all day. I just can’t.

I think that wine is very important culturally. It’s so interesting historically. The process is this fascinating mix of art and science.  I love everything about it. Getting deeper and deeper into it too, because I want Joyus to be around for forever and I want to make the best possible non-alcoholic wine.

There’s so much stuff to perfect that I could spend the next 50 years just working on non-alcoholic red – period.


You mentioned you’re seeing other competitors in the marketplace. How many different ways are there to make non-alcoholic wine?  Are some ways higher quality than others?


Jessica Selander: I can give tips. Our wine is a dealcoholized or alcohol removed wine, which means it’s gone through the whole winemaking process.

It’s aged, it’s fermented, and then we have removed the alcohol from it. Our bottles also say it’s non alcoholic. Sometimes you’ll see a bottle in the store and it just says non alcoholic on it. It doesn’t say dealcoholized or alcohol removed. They’re interchangeable. That means it wasn’t fermented.

So if you’re looking for a wine that is really going to taste like wine or have that fermented taste, look for dealcoholized or alcohol removed.

[Look at the label on the bottle] look for dealcoholized or alcohol removed, because it could say that it’s a non alcoholic red or a non-alcoholic grape [varietal] and it might just be a juice, that hasn’t been fermented or ages but comes in a wine bottle.


What are your goals in the present moment and in the near future to help your company continue to be a leader in the industry?


Jessica Selander: I think goals are accessibility. Normalizing sober drinking.  Making [non-alcoholic bottles] easy to find.  We do ship off our website, which is great. We’re shipping from Seattle. We ship everything ourselves.  If you’re out East, it’s going to take four or five days to get to you. 

Also starting to talk to restaurants, getting into more restaurants is a big one.  I’ve had anniversary dinners with my spouse and I’m drinking an Arnold Palmer.

I’m calling restaurants and I’m calling grocery stores and they’re still really skeptical that it can be good and that people want it.


Do you think it’s just audience reaching out? Is there a tipping point?


Jessica Selander: Yes, that really helps having people being in a restaurant and saying, “Hey, what do you have that’s an alcoholic?” Because restaurants are saying nobody’s asking for it. 

Here I am double digit sober and I had never gone into a restaurant and asked for it.

I would look at the [menu’s] non alcoholic section, which is always juice, soda pop, iced tea and stuff. If it’s not on the menu, I would never ask them for anything. Here I am for over a decade, not telling them that I want this thing. So we started doing more education on social media and online.

If you walk into a restaurant, ask them “What do you have that’s not alcoholic?”

Just pregnant people alone. There’s a large percentage of the population.

Is there science that says a pregnant woman can drink this and have zero concerns?


Jessica Selander: Yes. So this is super interesting. In the United States we’re the most strict in terms of alcohol. If you go to the UK, they have different, actually higher limits for how much alcohol can be in something. The US’s rules come from prohibition when you can’t sell, make, transport alcohol.

The government said once it gets under 0.5%, it’s not alcohol anymore. So that’s where that number comes from and sometimes people see it and say, “Oh, there’s a little bit of alcohol in this.” 

There was a study done in Germany where they tested a lot of grocery store items.  What they found was there’s a lot of stuff in our grocery stores that had a little bit of alcohol in it. Very ripe bananas, which we feed to toddlers have some alcohol in them. Orange juice is another one.

American hamburger buns. But it also makes sense, bread, yeast and we have more sugar in our products, right? Bread actually has more alcohol than people realize. 

Let’s talk about your wine’s flavors and aromas and the winemaking process to get there.

Jessica Selander: I knew what I wanted and I was incredibly picky about it. 

We launched with the sparkling white and the sparkling Rose’ and people were asking for a Rose’ with no bubbles.

I thought it would be easy.  It was not easy. 

Stills are very different from sparkling. I’m a balance of “I know what I want. I’m going for this thing and very focused”, but then I’m also balanced with listening. So we do a lot of focus groups. I do want feedback.  I do want opinions. 

We were working on it.  Everyone’s saying it’s good, it’s great.  But I didn’t think it was good enough. We were supposed to launch it in summer and I pushed everything back.  Back to the drawing board. 

What if we did this? What if that?  Talking to people, reading science and chemistry books

Was it like working for the right blend?

Jessica Selander: It’s tweaking so many different things and pieces in the blend. But it doesn’t always work out.  If you tweak a blend, sometimes other notes will come forward that you’re not expecting, or sometimes you’ve diminished things that you didn’t intend to diminish.

The still Rose is a great example, it didn’t have that click and so I just kept working on it. And that’s the one that won Double Gold and Best in Class in the San Francisco International Wine Competition, which is one of the biggest and oldest blind tastings in the world and the biggest and oldest blind tasting in the U.S.


Can you share any details and lessons you learned taking on the world of winemaking?


Jessica Selander: There’s so many things.  We’re not just making wine.  We’re wholesale, we’re distributing, we’re direct to consumer. We have so many different facets. 

I could talk for hours about how our wines are very low in sugar and they don’t have the alcohol in them. So our [bottles] probably freeze easier than anything else on the market. So shipping during the winter.

I’ve had conversations with other non alcoholic people too.  Everybody’s doing it differently and that’s the hard part too, where I feel like there’s a solution for every problem.

We’ve gotten better and better at winter shipping, but it’s not quite there yet.  Figuring out what can we ship in that’s going to have thermal protection, but isn’t going to contribute a ton of garbage. We’ve got the most eco-friendly, innovative winter shippers.  They’re made of corn. 

They’re expensive as hell, but it’s better than styrofoam. We have to keep everything under 50 pounds for UPS and 12 bottles of sparkling is 51 pounds in these corn shippers.

That thermal protection is still not enough, so we added heat packs. 

Let’s talk about your wines.


Jessica Selander: We have four varietals.  We’ve got our sparkling white, a sparkling Rosé. Still Rosé, a Cabernet Sauvignon. I love our red a lot. The reds are hard. They’re the most complicated; red wine has the highest alcohol content to begin with.

What flavor notes should we be looking for?


Jessica Selander: It’s definitely an American Cab. More fruit forward. It’s not grape juice. It’s fermented, it’s aged in American oak so you’ll get some green-ness to, like forest floor.  The longer it’s been open the more tasting notes you’ll get. I like it more and more throughout the week because the fruit notes settle down. Black currant, cherry, some leather 

The still rosé, watermelon, a nice floral to it. 

Sparkling rosé. Slightly floral.  Some orange blossom to it.  Blackberry, but some people say raspberry. Some people say strawberry.  They’re very summery

I think sometimes tasting notes feel in excess because we all taste things very differently. 

Our audience is foodies. Let’s talk a little bit about some of your favorite meals that you think would pair that your favorite pairings with your wines


Jessica Selander: I bake. I come from a big family, so I can pretty much cook anything. 

I heard someone say one time that baking was more science. And cooking was more art and I do agree with that. 

Let’s talk about the wine competitions. How you see them, what the experience has been like, and of course, what their results have been.

Jessica Selander: I did not know that competition was as big of a deal as it is [which was a blessing].  So what happened was I was beating my head against the wall being like, “They taste like wine!”  And my brother said, nobody believes you. You have to enter them into wine competitions. You need to prove to them in their own landscape that you belong there. 

So, here’s this competition. The first one, the sparkling rosé won gold and sparkling white won bronze.

Then I looked deeper into what the competition was [and realized it was the acclaimed San Francisco International Wine Competition & World Spirits Competition ]. It was a blessing because I think I would have been scared to do it. Then [next year] I do it with the Still Rose and the Cab.  Then hearing back, you’ve got the highest a non-alcoholic has ever gotten and you’re Still Rose is the best non-alcoholic wine of any varietal entered from all over the world. 

I was only wondering if it was even going to place, and here it ends up winning the best.

I was at a grocery store [today] I’ve been trying to get into for two years where the head buyer won’t even try it. So it’s [frustrating] but the more of these awards that we stack up, at some point in time they have to not ignore it. They’ll be like, Oh, this is a real thing.

We haven’t [hit that goal], it’s not normalized yet. We’re in over 300 stores and in almost in every state.


If you want more non-alcoholic near you at a restaurant and grocery store, what are the step-by-step, simple direction

Jessica Selander: This is super easy for people.

So if there’s a grocery store or a local market that you shop at already, you just go into the wine department and say, “Hey, what non-alcoholic wine do you have?”  And let them know you want it.  Verbally say it

It’s the same thing in restaurants. I do it myself now too, where I get the menu and I’m not seeing what the stuff on it. And I just ask and say, Hey, what non alcoholic stuff do you have?” 


Tell us how we can learn more about Joyus.  Shopping and following on social media.


Jessica Selander: So all of our social media stuff, our website is DrinkJoyus.com. Our Facebook, our Instagram, our TikTok are all DrinkJoyus

And on the website, there is this Find Joyus store finder map. So you can look on there and find us closest to you and working hard to add new stores pretty much weekly and email, email us. There’s a contact form on the website. Email. If you’re like, Hey, there’s a store by me. I want them to carry you. Email us. And we will call them and we will try, we’ll do our best and we’ll call them again three months later and we’ll call them again.




DC, Taste Ultra Rare Bourbon: Pappy Van Winkle, Eagle Rare featured in Fundraiser from Sazerac Company

Pappy Van Winkle, Eagle Rare featured in Ultra Rare Bourbon Tasting California Wildfire Relief Fundraiser from Sazerac Company

Sazerac Company will host a first of its kind fundraiser in support of California wildfire relief efforts, offering consumers the chance to purchase three ultra-rare prize packages featuring some of Buffalo Trace Distillery’s most sought-after bourbons.

Pappy Van Winkle Might be the Holy Grail of Whiskey

Pappy Van Winkle is the crown jewel of the bourbon world, celebrated for its unparalleled smoothness, depth of flavor, and rarity. Produced by the Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery, this small-batch bourbon is aged for 15 to 23 years, resulting in a rich, complex profile with notes of caramel, oak, and spice. Its popularity skyrocketed due to limited availability, with demand far outstripping supply, creating a cult following among collectors and connoisseurs. The combination of craftsmanship, rarity, and the mystique surrounding its release makes Pappy Van Winkle a true symbol of whiskey excellence.

Eagle Rare 25: The Pinnacle of Rare Bourbon

Eagle Rare 25, a highly sought-after release from Buffalo Trace Distillery, is one of the most revered bourbons in the world. Aged for a remarkable 25 years, this bourbon is celebrated for its exceptional depth, complexity, and rich flavor profile, featuring notes of dark fruit, toffee, leather, and oak. Its rarity—released in extremely limited quantities—has helped fuel its cult status among whiskey collectors. The longer maturation process adds unparalleled smoothness, with each bottle being an extraordinary expression of craftsmanship. As one of the finest offerings from Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare 25 represents the ultimate pursuit of bourbon excellence.

Offerings include the first-ever single barrel of Pappy Van Winkle 15 Year Old, a complete set of the Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon Collection and a bottle of Eagle Rare 25 with 100% of proceeds benefitting World Central Kitchen and Another Round Another Rally charities

Eagle Rare 25 featured in Ultra Rare Bourbon Tasting

Eagle Rare 25

One hundred percent of funds raised through Sazerac’s California Wildfire Relief Fundraiser will go toward two non-profit organizations committed to ongoing relief efforts in the state: World Central Kitchen (WCK), which is working with restaurant and food truck partners in Southern California to provide meals to those in need; and Another Round Another Rally, which is collecting funds for real-time financial support for hospitality workers impacted by the wildfires.


“Our hearts break for those who have been impacted by the devastating wildfires that have swept across California this year,”

Jake Wenz

President and CEO of Sazerac

“The fires have caused immense destruction, and the toll on the Los Angeles community is profound. Through this program we hope, humbly, to offer a small bit of aid to World Central Kitchen and Another Round Another Rally as they continue their much-needed support of the California community during this difficult time.”

Offerings available through the Sazerac California Wildfire Relief Fundraiser include:

1.  Auction*: the first-ever single barrel of Pappy Van Winkle 15 Year Old will be available for auction as part of the initiative

  • This is the first single barrel of Pappy Van Winkle to ever be made available for purchase. The barrel was specially selected from the heart of the aging warehouses at Buffalo Trace Distillery for this auction. On average, a single barrel yields approximately 125 bottles of bourbon.
  • Funds raised via auction will be evenly split between WCK and Another Round Another Rally

2.  Sweepstakes 1**: a complete bottle set of the Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon Collection

  • The very rare, limited-edition Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon Collection features six unique bourbons, each reflective of a craft that blends generational knowledge dating back to the late 1800s. This highly coveted collection features Old Rip Van Winkle 10 Year, Pappy Van Winkle 12 Year, Pappy Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye 13 Year, Pappy Van Winkle 15 Year, Pappy Van Winkle 20 Year, and Pappy Van Winkle 23 Year.
  • Funds raised by the Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon Collection sweepstakes will benefit WCK

3.  Sweepstakes 2**: one bottle of Buffalo Trace Distillery’s ultra-rare Eagle Rare 25

  • At 25 years old, Eagle Rare 25 marks the oldest expression ever released from the Eagle Rare portfolio and defies existing perception of ultra-aged bourbon with its smooth, complex flavor profile. Eagle Rare 25 is the first bourbon aged in Warehouse P, a purpose-built, state-of-the-art warehouse, constructed to test if it was possible to extend favorably both the aging and maturation processes typical for American whiskey and bourbon.
  • Funds raised by the Eagle Rare 25 sweepstakes will benefit Another Round Another Rally

In early January, wildfires broke out in the Palisades and Eaton communities of Los Angeles and quickly spread to neighboring communities. It is estimated more than 50,000 acres have burned, with the wildfires destroying more than 16,000 structures and killing at least 28 people. From the beginning, both WCK and ARAR have been on the frontlines in Los Angeles helping the communities hardest hit.

  • WCK’s Relief Team mobilized immediately in Southern California to support first responders and families impacted by the wildfires. In collaboration with 80+ restaurant and food truck partners, WCK is distributing free hot meals to those in need at several locations throughout Southern California. Since the wildfires began in early January, WCK has served more than 600,000 meals to those affected by the wildfires.
  • As the fire’s devastation began to overtake Los Angeles and surrounding areas, Another Round Another Rally jumped into action immediately knowing bar and restaurant workers would face an uphill battle with regard to loss of businesses and loss of income opportunities. Their Disaster Relief Fund enables the organization to provide real-time financial support to hospitality workers impacted by California’s wildfires. In the month since the fires started, Another Round Another Rally has given out over $100k in financial assistance to bar and restaurant workers affected by the disaster.

Those looking to support the Sazerac California Wildfire Relief Fundraiser can participate in multiple ways:

  • For the Pappy Van Winkle 15 Year Old single barrel auction, bidding will begin at $10,000 and those interested can bid as many times as they wish. Bidding will increase in increments of $1,000. The winner of the auction will receive a monetary prize equal to the value of the lot, which may be used to purchase the bottles yielded from the barrel, as well as the empty barrel.
  • For both the Pappy Van Winkle Collection and Eagle Rare 25 sweepstakes, entrants will receive one entry for every $50 donation made through the registration site. There is no cap on the amount a person can donate. The winners of each sweepstakes will receive a monetary prize equal to the value of the bottle they won, which may be used to purchase the bottles.

The Sazerac California Wildfire Relief Fundraiser begins on Tuesday, February 11 at 12pm noon EST. To enter and make a donation, and to view the full official rules, visit www.sazeracgivesback.com. All entries must be received by 11:59PM EST on Sunday, February 23. One winner for each prize package will be randomly drawn and notified via phone and email the week of March 3.

About Sazerac Company
With over 400 years of history, Sazerac is one of the world’s largest distilled spirits companies. Now in the fourth generation of the current family ownership, Sazerac strives each day to bring the finest spirits to consumers around the world.

Over 500 of the world’s most extraordinary brands are part of the Sazerac portfolio, including Buffalo Trace Bourbon, Eagle Rare, Weller, The Last Drop Distillers, Fireball Cinnamon Whisky, Southern Comfort, Wheatley Vodka, Meyers’s Rum, White X Cognac, Sazerac de Forge Cognac, Paddy’s Irish Whiskey, and many more.

Sazerac is also the steward of many fine distilleries internationally, including Buffalo Trace Distillery in KentuckyUnited States; Domaine Sazerac de Segonzac in Cognac, France; Paul John Distillery in Goa, India; and Lough Gill Distillery in County Sligo, Ireland. Additional impressive locations can be found in New Orleans, Montréal, London, Cork and Sydney, to name a few.

To learn more visit www.sazerac.com.

DC, Who does wine better: Politics or Hollywood? Clarendelle , Domaine Clarence Dillon Return as Official Wine Partner of 97th Oscars

DC, Who does wine better: Politics or Hollywood? Clarendelle & Domaine Clarence Dillon Return as Official Wine Partner of 97th Oscars

Clarendelle & Domaine Clarence Dillon Return as Official Wine Partner of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Academy Museum of Motion Pictures and Exclusive Wines Poured at the 97th Oscars Ceremony

Clarendelle and the family company Domaine Clarence Dillon announce the brand’s return as the official wine partner of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures.

Wine for the Academy

The Academy Awards, renowned for their glamour and celebration of cinematic excellence, also feature a notable emphasis on fine wines during their events. A substantial amount of wine is served to accommodate the numerous attendees. For instance, during the 90th Academy Awards, over 2,400 bottles of wine were provided, equating to approximately 14,000 glasses.

Annually, the Academy hosts several official events where wine is prominently featured. The most notable of these is the Governors Ball, the official post-ceremony celebration, where distinguished wines and champagnes are served to winners, nominees, and guests. In addition to the main ceremony and the Governors Ball, there are various pre-show receptions and ancillary gatherings throughout the awards season, each offering curated wine selections to complement the festivities.

These events underscore the Academy’s commitment to providing a luxurious and celebratory atmosphere, with fine wines playing a central role in the experience.

For the third consecutive year, the prestigious family-owned wine company will exclusively pour exceptional red and white wines at the 97th Oscars® ceremony.

This partnership bridges the world of fine wine and film, elevating the Oscars experience for Hollywood’s biggest stars.

In addition to delighting guests at the Dolby® Theatre at Ovation Hollywood, Clarendelle and Domaine Clarence Dillon wines will be served at the iconic Governors Ball after the Oscars ceremony and the Official Oscars® Watch Party at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. This year, Governors Ball attendees can enjoy a glass of our elegant and contemporary wines while winners have their Oscar® statuettes engraved. The wines will also be perfectly complemented with a legendary gastronomic menu crafted by Wolfgang Puck Catering for an unforgettable evening.

“Before joining the family business, I began my career as a screenwriter, so to have the opportunity to partner with the Oscars for the third consecutive year is truly an honor,” said President and CEO of Domaine Clarence DillonPrince Robert of Luxembourg. “This collaboration is a natural extension of my family’s longstanding commitment and deep connection to film and the arts.”

Domaine Clarence Dillon will introduce two new wines for the star-studded events:

  • La Clarté de Haut-Brion 2021: A sought-after white wine of rare delicacy with only 1,000 cases produced annually, La Clarté brings together the qualities of a fine white Bordeaux wine with fresh citrus and white flower aromas, followed by a crisp and refreshing finish of lemony brightness.
  • Le Clarence de Haut-Brion 2015: Château Haut-Brion became the first Bordeaux vineyard to be named after its terroir, making the estate the first luxury brand in the world. The exquisite red Le Clarence de Haut-Brion 2015 is similar in style and elegance to its elder and encompasses all unique attributes of a fine wine with an attractive profile – smooth yet powerful, tasty and full-bodied, with notes of ripe fruit leaving an impression of freshness and volume, without heaviness.

Among the returning wine favorites are:

  • Clarendelle Bordeaux White 2023: A refined and elegant wine, offering bright citrus notes of lemon and grapefruit, balanced by the smooth sweetness of pear and lychee.
  • Clarendelle Bordeaux Red 2016: A wine with fruity aromas of red fruit and blackcurrant alongside floral overtones balanced by great tannic power and delicious velvety texture.
  • Clarendelle Amberwine 2021: A complex, well-concentrated and modern sweet wine distinguished by its freshness and harmonious balance of floral fruit and acidity with a smooth finish.

Founded in 1935, Domaine Clarence Dillon is a family-owned group renowned for its prestigious Bordeaux estates, including Château Haut-Brion, Château La Mission Haut-Brion, and Château Quintus. Under the leadership of Prince Robert of Luxembourg, the company has earned a global reputation for excellence in winemaking, joining Primum Familiae Vini, an international association of some of the world’s finest wine producing families. Domaine Clarence Dillon has long been a supporter of the arts, with Prince Robert’s background and screenwriting playing an essential role in merging the worlds of wine and cinema by bringing Clarendelle and Domaine Clarence Dillon to the biggest night in Hollywood.

For more information, follow on Instagram @clarendelle @chateauhautbrion_ @chateaulamissionhautbrion  @chateauquintus  @leclarenceparis.

DC’s Apéro, Napa’s Be Bubbly, NYC’s Coqodaq: Top 10 Bars and Restaurants for Champagne from Bureau du Champagne

Napa’s Be Bubbly, NYC’s Coqodaq, DC’s Apéro: Top 10 Bars and Restaurants for Champagne from Bureau du Champagne

From Napa to DC to Manhattan and just 7 other sparkling stops!

Bureau du Champagne, USA today announced its annual list of the Top 10 Bars and Restaurants where Champagne plays a starring role. The list, now in its third year, recognizes establishments that elevate and celebrate the uniqueness of the sparkling wine that comes only from Champagne, France.

Released in advance of Champagne Day 2024, the list showcases Champagne standouts in every U.S. region. It recognizes restaurants and bars that take special care to offer Champagnes from a wide variety of producers, list them properly on their menus, and serve them with élan.

“We received nominations for spectacular bars and restaurants across the country, and selected from them a list of destinations that embody the spirit of Champagne,”

Lori Russo


the Bureau du Champagne, USA.

“While these restaurants and bars differ in style, spanning the spectrum from fine dining to fried chicken, they all have one thing in common: they understand what makes Champagne special. For that, we couldn’t be prouder to raise a glass to them on Champagne Day and the rest of the year.”

The full list of this year’s featured bars and restaurants can be found below in alphabetical order:

  • ApéroWashington, DC: Apéro’s list of more than 700 wines places special emphasis on Champagne. The intimate setting in DC’s popular Georgetown neighborhood is an ideal spot to explore an extensive list of Champagnes smartly organized by style.
  • Be BubblyNapa, Calif.: In the heart of California wine country, Be Bubbly takes care to showcase Champagne with a menu that includes a map of the region’s five wine-producing districts and a philosophy of Champagne as a celebration of life.
  • Boiler RoomOmaha: The wine list at this terroir-focused restaurant, originally conceived by a Master Sommelier, offers a broad range of Champagnes at varying price points so everyone can join in the celebration.
  • CharlestonBaltimore: The wine program at Charleston emphasizes the special relationship between wine and food. The Champagne list, which spans three pages of its menu, explains the magic of Champagne along with a diversity of tasting profiles.
  • CoqodaqNew York: Proving the versatility of Champagne, Coqodaq pairs the sparkling wine with both caviar and its signature bucket of Korean fried chicken.
  • CoupesDallas: Coupes bills itself as a bar for Champagne. True to its name, its vast menu of Champagnes explains that “Champagne is a sparkling wine, but not all sparkling wines are Champagne.”
  • Fizz Champagne & Bubbles BarSacramento, Calif.: Fizz believes in celebrating everyday triumphs with Champagne. Its menus and events elevate Champagne from France and distinguish it from other sparkling wines.
  • La Vie, Waikiki, Hawaii: La Vie’s emphasizes farm-to-table dining with French flair, so its large selection of vintage and non-vintage Champagnes creates the perfect complement, and the view is special, too.
  • Pops for ChampagneChicago: Known for its special events, tastings, Champagne education and a vast list of Champagnes of every style, Pops has been dazzling Chicago with Champagne since 1982.
  • Sexy FishMiami: The extraordinary interior of this Brickell restaurant is matched only by its extensive list of Champagnes both accessible and rare.

For more information on Champagne Day or to find an event near you, visit champagneday.champagne.fr. More events will be added in the near future, so check back often.

Bureau du Champagne, USA, is the official U.S. representative of the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), a trade association representing the houses and winegrowers of Champagne, France. The Bureau works to advance the CIVC’s mission of defending the interests of the Champagne appellation worldwide through education and advocacy. For more information, visit us online at www.champagne.us.

About the Author
Joe Wehinger (nicknamed Joe Winger) has written for over 20 years about the business of lifestyle and entertainment. Joe is an entertainment producer, media entrepreneur, public speaker, and C-level consultant who owns businesses in entertainment, lifestyle, tourism and publishing. He is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, member of the Directors Guild of America, International Food Travel Wine Authors Association, WSET Level 2 Wine student, WSET Level 2 Cocktail student, member of the LA Wine Writers. Email to: Joe@FlavRReport.com

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